Alfred Duce De Saxa Coburg și Gotha

A fost fiica lui alfred de saxa coburg şi gotha duce de edinburgh al doilea fiu al reginei victoria a marii britanii şi a mariei alexandrovna fiica ţarului alexandru.
Alfred duce de saxa coburg și gotha. Alfred hereditary prince of saxe coburg and gotha alfred alexander william ernest albert. In 1871 regina victoria considera ca a venit timpul ca alfred sa se casatoreasca. He was the second son and fourth child of queen victoria of the united kingdom and prince albert of saxe coburg and gotha he was known as the duke of edinburgh from 1866 until he succeeded his paternal uncle ernest ii as the reigning duke of saxe coburg and gotha in the. Name in other languages.
In 1899 the house of saxe coburg and gotha urged by kaiser wilhelm ii decided on how to deal with the succession of duke alfred who was in ill health his only son prince alfred young affie had died in february 1899. în regatul unit la 24 mai 1866 i s au acordat titlurile de duce de. 6 august 1844 30 july 1900 reigned as duke of saxe coburg and gotha from 1893 to 1900. 18 iulie 1938 sinaia a doua regină a româniei soţia regelui ferdinand i scriitoare.
Alfredo duque de saxe coburgo gota 阿尔弗雷德亲王 阿爾弗雷德親王 alfred sachsen coburg gotha אלפרד דוכס אדינבורו וסקסוניה קובורג גותה альфред саксен кобург готский 알프레트 alfred alfredo de sajonia coburgo y gotha alfred hertog van sakse koburg en gotha เจ าชายอ. He was a first cousin of king george v of the united kingdom kaiser wilhelm ii of germany tsar nicholas ii of russia and brother of. Name in other languages. 30 iulie 1900 a fost al treilea duce de saxa coburg și gotha domnind din 1893 până în 1900 era și membru al familiei regale a regatului unit fiind cel de al doilea fiu al reginei victoria și al principelui albert de saxa coburg și gotha.
15 october 1874 6 february 1899 was the son and heir apparent of alfred duke of saxe coburg and gotha he died aged 24 under circumstances still not entirely clear. Charles edward on a 5 mark coin from 1907. Alfred was born at windsor castle to the reigning british monarch queen victoria and her husband prince albert of saxe coburg and gotha the second son of ernst i duke of saxe coburg and gotha. 6 august 1844 30 july 1900 was the third duke of saxe coburg and gotha reigning between 1893 and 1900.
Alfred ernest albert duce de saxa coburg și gotha n 6 august 1844 d. Alfred alfred ernest albert. Ofiter in marina regala alfred era si mostenitorul unchiului sau ernest ii duce de saxa coburg si gotha. Regina maria marie alexandra victoria de saxa coburg gotha n 29 octombrie 1875 eastwell park kent anglia d.
Hrh alfred duke of saxe coburg and gotha alfred ernest albert. He was also a member of the british royal family the second son and fourth child of victoria of the united kingdom and prince albert of saxe coburg and gotha he succeeded his paternal uncle ernst ii duke of saxe. Spre disperarea mamei sale insa alfred a decis sa o cunoasca pe marea ducesa maria alexandrovna a rusiei unica fiica a tarului alexandru ii si a tarinei maria alexandrovna.